Denise Stutheit

Contact Info:
Irle School: 228-2419
Don't forget
I’m excited for the year of learning we have ahead of us. My name is Denise Stutheit. (If you say it like this: Stoot Height, but really fast, you’ll get it. J ) You can also call me Mrs. S. This is my 2nd year teaching 2nd grade at Irle School. I taught 10 years in Kindergarten before this.
A LITTLE ABOUT ME: I grew up and attended school in Lustre, MT. I graduated with my B.A. in Elementary Ed. from MSU-Northern in 2007. In July 2016, I finished working on my Master’s in Education: Curriculum & Instruction in Reading. I have three children, two of which attend Irle School. My husband, Coel, works at Glasgow Rental.
CLASSROOM: I think together we can create a positive learning environment for your child because we are a team, working together for the best interest of your child. My classroom encourages children to see themselves as readers, writers, and problem solvers.
SCHEDULE: We have a very busy schedule this year. Every day we work on our reading, math, and go to a special area (i.e. music, P.E., library, or STEM). Mrs. Gunderson, our school counselor, will be coming to our classroom two times a month for 30 minutes of guidance. This is a great opportunity for kids to learn different social skills. This year I would like to use It is an easy way to electronically keep you informed. I type a quick reminder and it can be sent to your email or as a text. Please let me know if this is a good way to contact you with reminders.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to talk with me. You can send a note or call me at the school: 228-2419. You can also email me at . I will get back to you as soon as I can (usually recess time, my prep, or after school). And don’t forget about as another easy communication tool. Thanks for being an important part in your child’s learning. I’m looking forward to a great year with your child!
Mrs. Stutheit
My Pages
Google Classroom