Denise Winchester
Contact Info:
Denise Winchester
2nd Grade Teacher
Irle School
Glasgow, MT 59230
Hi! My name is Denise Winchester and I teach 2nd grade at Irle Elementary in Glasgow, MT. We have 4 sections of 2nd grade students and they're all incredible along with their teachers. We so miss seeing our students during this COVID pandemic but we are able to keep in contact using technology and our phones. We have been using Remind App, Facebook and Zoom covered by technology. Our parents have been ROCK STARS by helping their children manage schoolwork and family activities. WE so appreciate our parents!!
I have been teaching for 26 years in Montana, North Dakota and Florida. I grew up on a farm and ranch north of Nashua. I have 2 amazing High School sons. Mack is a Senior and is planning to go to college for Welding. He has worked for my nephew's construction company for 5 years and loves working with his hands. He has been promoted to Foreman. Mitchel is a Sophmore and keeps himself busy with lawn care and snow blowing when he's not in school. He also belongs to the swim team during the summer months.
It has been an absolute pleasure working with my students and their families. It certainly takes a village to raise children and we have the BEST village!!