10 Questions with Glasgow Schools Superintendent Brenner Flaten
Question: Why is the Glasgow School District running a Bond Election again?
Answer: In October of 2023, we failed an $8.58 million dollar bond that was set to address critical roof repairs, boiler upgrades, and the failing athletic complex at Scottie Field. In the past 16 months, the board and myself have set out to address concerns in the community and have made sure we have had an open ear to our tax-paying citizens. All while remaining focused on the continued needs of the District. After MANY discussions at the board level, it was determined that we would look at a scaled-back version of the previous bond request and we would bring that to the community after January 1st 2025.
Question: What is the total cost associated with this scaled-back version of the school bond?
This bond carries a $2.9 Million Dollar Principal balance over 15 years. The estimated interest over 15 years (based on current bond rates) would be roughly $1.3 Million.
Question: What will be included in this bond request?
Here are the ONLY plans for this bond, with a cost-estimate breakdown for each item:
* GHS/GMS Critical Roof Repairs $1.2 Million
* GMS Boiler Replacement $500K
* GHS Boiler Replacement Payment $350K
* GHS/GMS Heat & Ventilation Controls $400K
* Irle Elementary Boiler Repair $50K
* De-Commissioning Obsolete GHS/GMS Boilers
* Engineering Fees and Associated Costs $225K
Question: What would my tax impact be if this bond was approved?
A home valued at $200,000 would see a tax impact of $4.01 monthly or $48.17 yearly.
A home valued at $300,000 would see a tax impact of $6.02 monthly or $72.24 yearly.
We wholeheartedly recognize that everyone doesn't fall into these nice little tax windows listed above. Farm/Ranch, commercial, or residential owners can use our tax calculator. This calculator is available on the home page of our website at: www.glasgow.k12.mt.us
Question: Can the District use these bonded funds for anything outside of what has been included in the scope of these projects?
NO. Bonded funds can ONLY be used for the project(s) listed on question 3 above.
Question: What happens if the project costs LESS than $2.9 Million upon completion? Will we get money back?
YES. If total costs fall below $2.9 million, then the balance is returned to the taxpayers to lower the debt service on the bond itself.
Question: Why is this bond so important to our schools and community?
We have large scale roof leaks occurring at both Glasgow High School and Glasgow Middle School. These are showing up during heavy rainstorms and during any break in weather during the winter months. The District is concerned that we may be looking at full-scale roof removal and replacement if these concern areas are not addressed appropriately. These two buildings are 56 and 64 years old respectively.
Building new school buildings is not something that would be financially feasible for our community. We are trying to lengthen the lifespans of both of these structures for another 30 to 50 years. Roof repairs and upgrades to the boiler system / heating and ventilation systems will help us keep the outside elements outside. It gives our kids a safe and comfortable place to learn.
When families and young professionals are looking at Glasgow as a place to lay down roots we want to be able to show them our schools and to show them community pride. Safe, clean, and effective schools are one of the very first things people look at when considering a family move. When I wear my Glasgow Chamber hat, I recognize the areas that are absolutely crucial to the sustainability of small towns.
Question: Are we abandoning all plans for an upgraded Athletic Complex?
NO. The complex is nearing the end of its lifespan. We still recognize the need to modernize/upgrade Scottie Field and we want the community to understand that those issues are not going away, however, we wanted to prioritize and bring a bond forward that the community feels is both necessary and affordable. The Field and Track project (Scottie Field Recharged) will need to return to its original path as a grassroots fundraising effort. It will move forward at a later date with both large scale grant applications and the seeking of corporate sponsorships. In-kind donations and naming rights opportunities are two pieces that will be strongly considered.
Question: When is the VOTE?
Ballots were mailed on Thursday February the 13th. You should be receiving your ballot early this week. ALL ballots are due back by March 4th, 2025.
Question: What if I still have questions or concerns?
YES. I encourage any questions. Email me at: flaten@glasgow.k12.mt.us or call the office at 406-228-2406. I also have an open door policy. Come see me at the Central Office; sit down with me about the School Bond.
I will also answer your emailed questions LIVE on the air during my next Live Under the Big Sky

Glasgow Schools is releasing information ahead of the upcoming Bond request. This bond will be specific to crucial roof repairs at the High School and Middle School. It also calls for funds to significantly upgrade our aging boiler systems and to modernize the HVac controls throughout the District.
Ballots will be mailed this week and are due back by March 4th. Thank you!

To the Community of Glasgow!
As part of the 2024-25 School Accreditation Process, the Glasgow School District Board of Trustees and its School Administration is seeking input on a proposed Graduate Profile for the Glasgow School District. Please take a minute to voluntarily participate in this process here:
The survey will remain open for 14 days. It will close on Tuesday January 28th. Thanks for your time, we appreciate your feedback!

Did you know taxpayers can make cash donations directly to the Glasgow Public Schools and get a dollar-for-dollar tax credit on their 2025 tax bill?
The program, which is being made available state-wide to ALL public schools, is called the "Innovative Educational Program Tax Credit".
It is a program that may directly benefit your local school district in any of the following five areas:
--Transformational and advanced learning opportunities.
--Programs, services, and equipment for students with disabilities.
--Work-based learning partnerships and pre-apprenticeship programs.
--Career and college-ready programs benefiting students.
--Technology that improves student experiences, access, learning, and opportunities.
The Department of Revenue (DOR) portal for school districts to enter donations to qualify for the Innovative Educational Tax Credit opens on January 15, 2025 at 9:00 AM. We fully expect ALL funds to be allocated within a couple of hours on the 15th of January.
If you are interested in this program, please act within the next 7 days. The Glasgow Public Schools is registered in the DOR portal and ready to go. Please complete the form below along with submitting a check for your donation to the Glasgow Public Schools. Direct link to the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeLSCf1Gn-CWTxQssdBgT9_54Bm2uTsonkiLxvH7mUS_34Wbg/viewform?usp=sf_link
The Glasgow Schools appreciate our community and any support we receive!

Back to School Letter from the Superintendent!

We want YOU to join OUR team!!
Join the Glasgow Public School system and make a difference in the lives of our local youth.
Sub Positions Available for the 2024-25 School Year:
Subsitute Teacher / Aide -- $109.60 Per Day!!
Subsitute Bus Route Driver -- $23.94 to $29.14 Per Hour
Subsitute Custodian -- $14.19 to $17.11 Per Hour
Subsitute Cook -- $13.18 to $15.23 Per Hour
Subsitute Activity Driver -- $16.43 Per Hour
School starts on Monday Aug. 19th. Apply TODAY at the link below or call 406-228-2406 with questions or for more information. ALL qualified applicants are greatly appreciated and will be contacted immediately.
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